
Uses the colors gathered from color_space in a way that makes sense, resulting in a scheme palette.

ansidarkDark ansi colors, works best with lchansi and orders it's colors to preserve a constant tty like order: color0 -> black, color1 -> redish, color2 -> greenish, and so on.
darkDark colors dark background and light contrast. (16, comp, comp16)
harddarkSame as dark with hard hue colors. (16, comp, comp16)
lightLight bg dark fg. (16, comp, comp16)
softdarkVariant of softlight uses the lightest colors and a dark background could be interpreted as dark inversed. (16, comp, comp16)
softlightLight with soft pastel colors counterpart of harddark. (16, comp, comp16)

Palette Variations

There are some variants to the principal palettes schemes which you can use by appending the variant to the name e.g. 'dark16', 'lightcomp', 'harddarkcomp16' and so on, each palette indicates, in parenthesis, which variants are avaliable.

16Makes shades of colors, creating the ilusion of 16 different colors.
compStands for Complementary and completly changes the palette to it's complementary counterpart.
comp16Complementary palette with 16 shades, basically a combination of the above.


Below, is a complete overview of all palette schemes:

Dark8 dark colors, dark background and light contrast
Dark16Same as dark but uses the 16 colors trick
DarkCompThis is a dark variant that changes all colors to it's complementary counterpart, giving the feeling of a 'new palette' but that still makes sense with the image provided.
DarkComp1616 variation of the dark complementary variant
AnsiDarkThis is not a 'dark' variant, is a new palette that is meant to work with lchansi colorspace, which will maintain 'tty' like color order and only adjusting the colors acording to the theme. A possible solution for LS_COLORS and the like. Should workout with other colorspace, but the result may not be optimal.
AnsiDark16The ansidark palette with 16 color variation.
HardDarkSame as dark with hard hue colors
HardDark16Harddark with 16 color variation
HardDarkCompcomplementary colors variation of harddark scheme
HardDarkComp16complementary colors variation of harddark scheme
LightLight bg, dark fg
Light16Same as light but uses the 16 color trick
LightCompcomplementary colors variation of light
LightComp16complementary colors variation of light with the 16 color variation
SoftDarkVariant of softlight, uses the lightest colors and a dark background (could be interpreted as dark inversed)
SoftDark16softdark with 16 color variation
SoftDarkCompcomplementary variation for softdark
SoftDarkComp16complementary variation for softdark with the 16 color variation
SoftLightLight with soft pastel colors, counterpart of harddark
SoftLight16softlight with 16 color variation
SoftLightCompsoftlight with complementary colors
SoftLightComp16softlight with complementary colors with 16 colors

To edit this value:

  • Config file: palette = darkcomp16
  • Cli: wallust run image.png --palette darkcomp16