
Allows you to choose which method to use in order to parse the image.

FullRead and return the whole image pixels (more precision, slower)
ResizedResizes the image before parsing, mantaining it's aspect ratio
WalUses image magick convert to generate the colors, like pywal
ThumbFaster algo hardcoded to 512x512 (no ratio respected)
FastResizeA much faster resize algo that uses SIMD. For some reason it fails on some images where resized doesn't, for this reason it doesn't replace but rather it's a new option.
KmeansKmeans is an algo that divides and picks pixels all around the image, Requires more tweaking and more in depth testing but, for the most part, "it just werks".

To edit this value:

  • Config file: backend = "full"
  • Cli: wallust run image.png --backend full