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Published January 16, 2023

scripts - collection of scripts


A collection of useful scripts in POSIX shell or BASH.

Usually a script will have a starting comment describing the functionality and/or how to use the program. For larger scripts tho, a flag --help or -h should be enough.

Currently the scripts aren’t big enough to deserve it’s own manual page or even it’s own repo.

Rewrite in POSIX SHELL!!11

Bash has nice features that are built into the language itself, which most of the time could be faster than calling a third party program.

Feel free to send a Pull Request about POSIXfying (bash -> sh) scripts if you really into it.

Some scripts

Some scripts which I documented before.


My ’simple’ take on watching youtube. Use ytfzf if you are looking for more functionality.

Use termyt -h


display what you want to do with the current argument (either a file, url or whatever).

kinda deprecated since I only find it useful on termyt


Bugswriter script, really cool! Few changes

Use redyt -h


I forgot where I got this, but I use it to search firefox (since my url bar is hidden) and surf. Even bookmarks, youtube, wikipedia, etc… You implement what you want!


Forked to work with xclip Apparently there are more scripts than clipmenu and clipmenud(daemon). You decide what you want (I recommend to put clipmenu, clipmenud and clipdel on one of your directories appended to the PATH variable), also is initended to be install with the makefile so i change it a bit to make it better. Pretty clean code I really like thatđź‘Ť


Another Bugswritter idea but i added some cool stuff

Basically use what you have stored on you clipboard (if you use `xsel` change ’xclip’ with ’xsel’ with the log file on ’/tmp’).


script with a little handler to handle all kinds of urls. Youtube is problematic since I can’t tell if I’m going to download a video or audio (song), so the second argument of the script, right now only with this arguments, takes ’audio’.


displays a notification with notify-send about the current song of mpd.

Requires mpc.


samedir collection, which uses the current active window path.

Vifm image previews

If you use vifm consider taking a look at this.

Remember from time to time you should use `vifmimg remove` (which removes the cache).



Luke Smith scripts, which some are gathered in this proyect, because they are useful. But I felt like they deserve it’s own repo. https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/voidrice

This work is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0, unless specified otherwise. Year: 2022