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Published December 23, 2022 - Last Modified January 16, 2023

Keep information offline


Brief summary, keep the information you consume offline. One of the things I hear from some colleagues is the rant about slow internet, be the wifi from the house or mobile. Having an offline copy it’s one of the best things you can ask for, since it’s just a file in your system which you can query anytime you wish, instead of relying on the speed of the internet, web page, browser..

It’s very useful to have extra storage to archive it, but you can create a cycle that consist of downloading-deleting, keeping a good amount of your disk free.



I think most of the people around me already learn the lesson, yet some others need to re-learn it. Given how celular mobile data plans are structured, you can easily allow to spare some internet in online services like Spotify, which would save you the hassle of making your own music library (debatable since even just music in Downloads/ works as a library).


Downloading videos is the most annoying, specially in good quality. I would only reccomend it when it’s a series/movies/show that you like, but 10 minutes youtube videos, yeah this is kind of an annyoing path to follow.

On that note, stop using youtube and start using invidious as a youtube frontend (same backend tho [meaning same library of videos, different theme]).


This is easy, since there are offline games. For the online games there is not much you can do.

Some one player only games need internet access, even thought you are the only one there. This is simply because you don’t locally store the whole source code, just some bit. The rest of the game is run in the enterprise servers. That’s why interactions in game that are simple, can become very laggy if your internet is not in the best shape. Game models use this in order to avoid exploits, which are inevitable but in this case the surface shrinks by some amount.


These days I think this is necesary, but you can apply some of the practices/habits listed above to avoid buying an expensive mobile plan.

This work is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0, unless specified otherwise. Year: 2022